Deep Tissue Massage in Ashford Area

This outstanding deep tissue massage uses applied pressure to find and remove tension from the body, not only working on the affected area but also alleviating the tension from its points of origin, working with precision and depth to get astounding results.

Raynor Massage benefits anyone regardless of age and fitness and is very effective in removing the normal aches and pains that have such an impact on our daily lives. Back, neck and shoulder pain, in particular respond well to deep tissue massage.

It is not just muscle tension that causes us problems but stored stresses and emotional energy can too. This therapeutic massage will help to release deeply held energy which, in turn will make you feel lighter and more energetic. Getting rid of these negative energies using massage has been found to be helpful for people who suffer from stress, insomnia and depression.

Mark is offering Raynor deep tissue massage at little world herbs, Woodchurch, Kent and Bloomsburys Biddenden.  Book your appointment now to help with conditions such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, insomnia and stress leaving you to feel fantastic!  It is a full body massage, including hands neck and feet.


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Contact Mark Slaymaker for more information and to book an appointment

Phone: 01233 860 633